Irresistible You: Lose the Emotional Weight | Body Image | Confidence | Weight Loss

221: Get Rid of Your Fat Clothes!

• Aimee Beltran • Season 3 • Episode 221

Are you still holding on to your old fat clothes, just in case? It's time to be like Elsa and let them go! 🎉 In this episode, I'm diving into the hidden messages we send ourselves when we keep those old clothes after losing weight. We subconsciously tell ourselves that the weight might come back, and that's not okay! 😠

I'll share my experiences and talk about how these clothes can undermine your confidence and your journey to maintaining weight loss. We'll explore the psychological impact and why believing in yourself and your ability to stay at your new weight is crucial.

Join me as I give you actionable steps to clear your wardrobe and embrace your new self with clothes that reflect the woman that you crave to become.  Let's celebrate our achievements, ditch the doubts, and move forward with confidence! 💪✨

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  • 💉I use Mochi Health to get my Tirzepatide injections and it is SO easy. Here is my referral code for $40 off your first month  at Mochi Health: JB3O

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